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Havening Technique for Anxiety: An Enhancement to Traditional Therapies

The havening technique for anxiety is an innovative psychosensory therapy that enhances traditional approaches to anxiety treatment by addressing the neurobiological roots of trauma and promoting emotional release. It offers new tools and strategies, such as amygdala depotentiation and self-havening, that can lead to faster, deeper, and more lasting changes. By integrating havening with established therapies and anxiety coaching, practitioners can provide more comprehensive and effective support for individuals seeking to overcome anxiety and build resilience.

Havening Techniques for Anxiety: A Comprehensive Overview

Havening is a psychosensory technique that uses touch, attention, and imagination to modify how the brain processes and stores emotionally charged memories. By activating the amygdala and applying gentle touch with distraction, Havening is believed to trigger a process called depotentiation, which disrupts the neural pathways associated with distress, and provides a sense of safety and calm. As a result, Havening offers numerous benefits for anxiety, including rapid relief, lasting results, and improved emotional regulation. It’s a versatile method that can be self-applied and integrated with other therapies to enhance overall well-being and help to build resilience.

Psychosensory therapy: what is can do for you.

Psychosensory therapy involves applying non-specific sensory input to generate an extrasensory response to effect a beneficial change within the brain, either transiently or permanently. This type of therapy is distinct from talk therapy (psychotherapy) and drug therapy (psychopharmacology). The active ingredient in psychosensory therapy is called an “electroceutical”, which is anything that employs electrical stimulation… Read More »Psychosensory therapy: what is can do for you.

You can self treat social anxiety

Let’s talk about how you can approach self-treating your social anxiety. It’s important for you to know that while professional support can be really valuable, there are many things you can do yourself to make a difference. These approaches focus on changing your relationship with anxiety rather than trying to eliminate it entirely, and they… Read More »You can self treat social anxiety

Psychosensory Therapy Techniques Explained

Psychosensory therapies use sensory input to generate a beneficial change in the brain, either temporarily or permanently. This input differentiates these techniques from talk therapy and drug therapy. The active ingredient in psychosensory therapy is called an electroceutical, which is anything that uses electrical stimulation to modify brain function. In psychosensory techniques, touch is used… Read More »Psychosensory Therapy Techniques Explained

What is hippocampus anxiety

Firstly, it’s important to understand that the hippocampus is a part of your brain that is involved in learning, memory, emotional control, and stress arousal. When we talk about ‘hippocampus anxiety‘, we’re referring to the role of this structure in the experience of anxiety. The hippocampus can be affected by stress, which in turn impacts… Read More »What is hippocampus anxiety