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Exploring the Different Types of Flashbacks and How Havening Can Help

Flashbacks are a distressing reliving of traumatic events. They can take several forms including emotional, visual, sensory, somatic, cognitive, and dissociative. Havening Techniques can help a person to manage and process their flashbacks, through depotentiating traumatic memories, interrupting the flashback cycle, and creating a feeling of safety. A havening techniques practitioner can use these techniques to address the underlying neural pathways associated with trauma. Havening can empower individuals to regain control and reduce the impact that flashbacks have on their daily lives.

what are flashbacks

Flashbacks are vivid re-experiencing of a past traumatic event, where a person feels as if they are reliving the event in the present moment. During a flashback, a person may experience a range of sensory and emotional elements, including images, sounds, smells, physical sensations, and intense emotions. Key characteristics of flashbacks: Re-experiencing: Flashbacks are not… Read More »what are flashbacks

Help for Flashbacks

Flashbacks are a distressing symptom of trauma and PTSD, and there are many ways to manage them including various forms of therapy, medication, self-help strategies, and lifestyle changes. It is most helpful to acknowledge your feelings, use grounding techniques, and be compassionate with yourself during flashbacks. Seeking professional help is crucial, and there are many different approaches that can be beneficial in managing flashbacks, such as EMDR, ACT, Havening and Somatic therapy. These treatments can help you to process the traumatic memories that are causing flashbacks, and move towards healing.

Flashbacks, the Brain, and Therapeutic Approaches

Flashbacks are a distressing re-experiencing of traumatic events. They are stored in the brain and triggered by cues associated with the original trauma. Different types of therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Havening, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Solution Focused Therapy offer approaches for helping people to manage the effects of flashbacks and move forward. These therapies can assist in calming and reducing the intensity of the flashbacks, restoring a sense of agency, as well as helping people to live more fully in the present.

what is havening techniques

Havening Techniques® are a psychosensory treatment that uses touch to help with a variety of emotional and mental health issues. The techniques are rooted in neuroscience and are designed to be a gentle and effective self-help tool. How Havening Works: Havening uses a soothing touch, typically on the upper arms, palms, and around the eyes,… Read More »what is havening techniques