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CPR for the Amygdala

How to overcome burnout at work

Learning how to overcome burnout at work requires a multifaceted approach involving understanding burnout, seeking professional support, and implementing practical strategies. An anxiety therapist provides essential tools and guidance to address underlying issues, develop coping mechanisms, and promote a balanced and fulfilling work life.

Techniques to Rewire Your Anxious Brain

 To rewire your anxious brain, a variety of techniques can be used which move beyond traditional CBT and cognitive restructuring. Approaches like mindfulness, ACT, NLP, HeartMath and specific neuroplasticity techniques, all offer different ways of working with the brain to create new, less anxious responses. These techniques include, creating a space between you and your thoughts, accepting difficult feelings, and using touch, movement, and imagery to create new pathways in the brain. By combining a range of these methods, you can begin to create a brain that is more resilient to anxiety.

Guide to CPR for the Amygdala: Understanding, Application, and Benefits for Managing Emotional Reactivity and Stress

CPR for the Amygdala is a tool that helps individuals manage their emotional reactivity and stress by using the SNAP protocol: Sense, Notice, Apply and Preoccupy. It combines mindful self-touch with cognitive distractions or “brain games” to redirect attention and calm the amygdala. It can be used both reactively in moments of distress and proactively to build resilience and can be adapted for relationship support and managing difficult feedback. CPR for the Amygdala can reduce stress, increase internal control, develop neuroplasticity, improve the relationship with self, and provide a better ability to manage physical and emotional sensations.