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Brain Changes Due to Anxiety

Your brain changes in response to how you think and what you think about. Prolonged periods of anxiety bring about brain changes. Changes that are reversible. As your brain changes how and what you think about also changes. Understanding a little of the science behind what is going on between your ears will give you… Read More »Brain Changes Due to Anxiety

Disorganised To Organised

Names, and details of people and organisations have been changed to maintain their privacy. The case studies below will will go into details of how these transformations occurred. Early on in my practice, many decades ago I saw a client who’d been sent by their employer, a local brewery. They’d been sent because they were… Read More »Disorganised To Organised

The Damaging Impact of Anger

Names, and details of people and organisations have been changed to maintain their privacy. The case studies below will will go into details of how these transformations occurred. Tim (not client’s real name) was an unusual client in that from the very first contact they were clear that anger was the issue (typically clients have… Read More »The Damaging Impact of Anger

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Clients sometimes ask me how much sleep they should be getting. What they’re really asking is “How little sleep can I get away with?” Here I want to look at the question from a different perspective. What do you gain by having ‘enough’ sleep? Then, how much is that for you? Studies have shown that… Read More »How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Why Willpower Is Not Enough

Consider this very familiar scenario: someone makes a decision to start the New Year by putting a new healthy habit in place. A few weeks later, and it’s been forgotten. Perhaps you are one of those rare people that simply follows through with everything that they commit to? So what goes wrong? Generally, when people… Read More »Why Willpower Is Not Enough

How to Help Yourself When you’re triggered

You can probably think of an occasion where the feelings you were experiencing at a particular moment were stronger, more intense than the situation really deserved. Something from your past had been awakened or ‘triggered’. Sometimes people are aware of what these memories are; sometimes they just experience the emotional charge from the past event.… Read More »How to Help Yourself When you’re triggered

How One Extra Second Could Make All the Difference to Your Life

I know you’re busy. You have more commitments than your energy and time allow. I also can guess that many of your commitments are not taking you in the direction want your life to go. They’re not aligned with your values. We’re constantly bombarded with requests from work, from family; even your phone keeps demanding… Read More »How One Extra Second Could Make All the Difference to Your Life

Overcoming Overwhelm

Excessive overwhelm can be a significant contributor to stress, anxiety and depression. Overwhelm happens when a person is faced with more to be done than they can manage, and where some of those tasks involved are beyond their current capabilities. Often, the initial reaction to overwhelm is to work harder, work longer hours, try multitasking… Read More »Overcoming Overwhelm